Are you a fan of adult sex games? We got SWF and HTML5 games just to play in your browser!
Stellar Dream
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Game unfolds as an exciting room exploration narrative, where players start a goal as the captain of a swarm ship bound for remote stars. The goal's paramount purpose is to uncover and colonize new worlds fit for human habitation. An ominous shadow is cast upon this ambitious undertaking when contact with the scout teams dispatched to three encouraging candidates is quickly severed. With unwavering resolution, players think the mantle of duty and start a perilous pursuit to bring the missing scouts back to safety and security. The journey unfolds as a symphony of exploration and diplomacy, as players go across the vast cosmic tapestry, unraveling the fate of the lost scouts. The stakes rise as players must meticulously look at each celestial sphere, meticulously assessing its suitability for human colonization